
Monday, January 22, 2024

2024 Publishing Updates

 It's been a while since I've done a post like this here. I'm always getting asked what books are on the way. Where is the next in the BRRMC Chicago series? Why aren't there more preorders for Royal bastards MC? Where's the next Kings of Anarchy book? Where is FMK?

So preorders have been stressing me way out so I decided that it would be best to no longer put them up until I know a book is nearly finished because I don't want to be rushing down to the wire to get a book out on time. If I miss a deadline with Amazon they will revoke my preorder rights. Other sites don't punish me for this so I may switch to doing them on wide stores and doing live releases on Amazon. We will see how things shake out. 

I get into weird ruts of burnout when I push myself too hard and that's where I have been since the middle of November. I am finally getting out of that headspace and into my writing groove. I really thought I was going to cancel the preorder for The Biker Next Door and accept the preorder ban penalty. However, I am now confident that is no longer the case. In fact you can see covers for two more RBMC books under the Royal Bastards header at the top of my site. Woohoo. 

But and it's a big but- I don't have release dates set. I'm not ready to announce the ones I have in mind until I know I can deliver. 

This brings us to These Hollow Kisses, book 2 of my BRRMC Chicago series. I know I left you all on one hell  of a cliffhanger but it's coming. I am currently bouncing between four books. I used to juggle a few stories at a time and I think it is helping me get back in the swing. 

Then there is Big Daddy and my Kings. I know you guys are eager for his book and I have his cover but he's not ready to talk to me just yet. Sometimes that's just how the creative process goes. So while some things may take longer to release, I hope you understand that I am working on all the things. 

And yes, this includes FMK which is now the Ruthless Love Duet (Her Bully & His Dolly). I have been debating releasing this one on serial platforms like Kindle Vella and Radish so I can be writing on it over time and not taking away form my core love of writing bikers. I am still undecided. There are some standalones I am itching to work on too but more about those stories later. There is only so much of me to go around. 

My time lately has been consumed by the newest member of our family. My daughter received a puppy and I had forgotten how much time and attention they can need. We are finally getting on a schedule that works for us. As much as I love writing family will always come first. Balance is hard but I'm working on it.